Easter Sunday

How was everyone's Easter? The dolls had such a grand time at church and celebrating the fact that Jesus rose from the dead. After church they celebrated again because it was such a beautiful day outside. They gathered their supplies and wanted to decorate eggs for their dollies.
"Do you think the minis will like these eggs?" asked Maryellen.
"Of course," replied Kirsten. "Why wouldn't they?"
They asked us to hide the bigger eggs so they could have an egg hunt. How can we deny these 18" cuties?
"Found one!" Shouted Maryellen.
"Got another one!" called Pretty.
Gemmy found one by the big trash can outside. "Really?!" she muttered in disgust.
Josefina hadn't found one yet when something caught her eye in a nearby bush. She quietly walked up to it and not only found an egg, but also what she called the Easter Bunny. We tried to tell her that wasn't the Easter Bunny, but just a regular bunny. She shook her head and declared, "How can this not be the Easter Bunny? It's Easter, isn't it? This is a bunny, right? So... I found the Easter Bunny! This one's extra special."
Turns out the minis loved the decorated eggs the dolls made and everyone had a very Happy Easter indeed. What did you do?
Side note: We actually did find a real bunny hiding in this bush last year during an easter egg hunt. He seemed a little dazed at the time. But I might have bonked him on the head while throwing an egg in there without realizing he was there. He did hop away eventually and go on with his little bunny life.
Zoom in. He is a little hard to see.
