Winter Talent Show

Samantha sat down and started at the piano to practice. Her recital was coming up and she was nervous.
Jemmy came out and started to do ballet to the beautiful melodies. The other girls gathered, and they “oohed” and “aahed.”
An idea came to Jelly, “We should do a talent show!”
“That’s a good idea,” said Peanut Butter.
All the other dolls murmured in agreement.
A little later that day, the house was in a flurry of activity. Each doll was practicing her unique talent. Kirsten was crying when Maryellen ran past her.
“What’s wrong Kirsten?” she asked as she stopped.
“I don’t have a good talent. No one wants to see me on stage quilting. I need something else,” Kirsten sobbed.
Maryellen calms her down,” “How about a poem? That’s something. How about a winter one?”
“Ok. I’ll try,” sniffed Kirsten.
Soon after the show began. Pretty announced herself as judge. Samantha was up first and happily played her favorite songs including “It’s Raining Tacos” by Perry Gripp. Then she switched to playing “Swan Lake” for Jemny’s ballet number. It was all so beautiful.
For the next act, the stage turned to ice and the lights turned down low.
Maryellen skated out as great as she knew how to and tried hard to remember everything Beverly, her sister, had taught her. As she turned and tried a trick she fell flat on the ice and her nose started bleeding. Poor Maryellen knew right then and there that she was not going to win. She took a bow and skated off stage. The ice disappeared and out came a swedish girl by the name of Kirsten Larson.
Her voice quivered as she recited a quick poem called “Winter” by Dorothy Aldiss:
The street cars are like frosted cakes
all covered up with cold snowflakes,
The horses’ hooves scrunch on the street,
Their eyelashes are white with sleet
And everywhere the people go,
with faces tickled by the snow.
Jelly and Peanut Butter took the stage. They showed off their powers by shooting a bread target with pb&j being squirted from their hair. They threw another piece of bread on top and handed it to the judges. Pretty was startled and impressed. She took the sandwich and exclaimed, “This is by far the best pb&j I’ve ever had!” The crowd went wild for they had never seen such powers.
Amelia walked on stage with the microphone. She sang a song she wrote herself.
“Mommy Meat.” “Mommy Meat, my favorite thing to eat. I eat it all the time. breakfast lunch and eat.”
The crowd stared in silence.
Josefina came out to do gymnastics. She flipped on the balance beam so beautifully. She dismounted with a twirl and a smile.
After all the dolls had gone, they anxiously awaited what the judges had to say. Pretty got up to announce the winners.
“In 3rd place Kirsten Larson! What a beautiful poem. In 2nd place we have Samantha Parkington”
Samantha squealed with delight,” yay...wait. I’m not first?”
Pretty continued, “in 1st place we have a tie. Gemmy and Josefina! Congratulations, girls! Now come up and pick your prize! All the winners will be going home with an American girl doll.”
Josefina chose Kaya. Gemmy picked Molly. Samantha picked herself and Kirsten chose Marie Grace. Pretty walked over to Amelia and handed her a medal.
“This is for you. You had the weirdest act by far. Congratulations.”
